Wind microclimate modelling

Our advanced modelling and simulation offers a cost effective alternative to wind tunnel testing, and helps support Environmental Impact Assessments.

Frazer-Nash supports Environmental Impact Assessments through advanced modelling and simulation. Our modelling and simulation capability offers our clients a cost effective alternative to wind tunnel testing.

For more information and details on how we can help with your project, please email us.

Wind impact assessments

The impact of new developments on local pedestrian wind comfort is playing an increasingly important role in Environmental Impact Assessments, particularly in cities. Frazer-Nash has developed a virtual wind tunnel to be able to assess wind comfort around new developments in an efficient and cost effective way.


  • We combine local wind statistics with high fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations to assess the wind speeds at pedestrian level
  • Statistical wind speeds are compared against the Lawson criteria to determine pedestrian wind comfort
  • The effectiveness of possible mitigations can be quickly and easily assessed.

Air quality assessments

For developments close to residential areas, Environmental Impact Assessments often need to consider the impact on the local air quality. However, in built environments traditional pollutant dispersion codes such as ADMS (Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System) are not applicable. Frazer-Nash has a strong track record of supporting Air Quality Assessments in the built environment through the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations, which are ideally suited to these flows.


  • We combine high fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations with local wind and emissions data to determine the pollutant concentrations
  • Local planning authorities have accepted our approach, where more traditional air quality assessments have been unacceptable
  • We have assessed the dispersion of traffic emissions, as well as power plants and other local emitters. The dispersion of dust from construction sites can also be assessed.

Wind microclimate modelling

Dispersion of plumes from cooling towers

Dispersion of traffic emissions in central London

Wind flow around a high rise building in central London

Wind comfort microclimate in central London