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Whitworth Senior Scholar medal presented to Frazer-Nash’s Michael Kelly
Frazer-Nash and partners set to deliver major nuclear safety and security research contract
Frazer-Nash opens for business in Middlesbrough
New Frazer-Nash Business Manager to help aviation clients manage assets and develop digital business
Frazer-Nash showcasing its aviation expertise through British Aviation Group membership
INCOSE UK ASEP certification for Frazer-Nash experts *NL
Karl and Mike to deliver IRSE/INCOSE digital signalling symposium
Frazer-Nash helping to inform Transpennine upgrade planning
Business Manager Ashley Stower welcomed to Frazer-Nash’s growing rail business
Philippa tells students there’s more to engineering than hard hats
SALUS programme delivers investment in ships’ safety and environmental management
Frazer-Nash to deliver Nuclear Sector Deal project management office framework
Frazer-Nash team supports ‘Engineering Designathon’ at Loughborough University
Frazer-Nash sponsoring The Engineer’s Collaborate to Innovate Awards 2019
Fellowship honour for Frazer-Nash’s Holley Reece-Barkell
Frazer-Nash supporting the future of flight at Paris Air Show *NL
IAM conference will see Frazer-Nash showcasing the future of digital asset management
Frazer-Nash joining influencers in rail freight with RFG membership
Frazer-Nash helping Whizz-Kidz charity bring Hannah’s DreamWheelchair to life
Frazer-Nash becomes patron of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM)
Exploring autonomous systems solutions for challenging environments for DASA
We're here to help
Frazer-Nash supports the E&T Innovation Awards' Smarter World Award
Australia's Future Submarine Program (FSP) and the role of systems engineering
Frazer-Nash team finalists in APM Challenge, as they help Bristol-based charity
Wheels of Change – taking a wheelchair from dream to reality
Delivering technical expertise on UKAEA Engineering Design Services Framework
Clean Energy Innovation webinars
Frazer-Nash and University of Hull undertaking RSSB project to examine techniques for predicting and mitigating rail freight network delays
Rising star Luke shortlisted for Ex-Forces in Business Awards
Advances in underwater acoustics on the agenda at September’s ‘virtual’ ICUA2020 conference
Sindhu successfully shortlisted for ADM Women in Defence Awards
Frazer-Nash MD, Neil McDougall, talks to The Engineer about adapting to the ‘new different’
Showcasing Frazer-Nash’s MedTech expertise at SEHTA 2020
Frazer-Nash Consultancy appoints People Director
Frazer-Nash exploring the drone revolution at the Commercial UAV Show
Innovate UK funding for novel Frazer-Nash wind energy project
IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards
The Frazer-Nash Photo Competition 2020
Frazer-Nash wins place on CalMac Ferries’ Professional Consultancy Services Framework
Frazer-Nash exploring AI-enabled survivability within Intelligent Ship Phase 2
Teams from Frazer-Nash helping charities reach out through APM Challenge
Frazer-Nash client, RWM, welcomes launch of second geological disposal facility ‘Working Group’
Frazer-Nash Consultancy joins the Nuclear AMRC
Collaborate to Innovate winners to be revealed in February
Homes England framework place for Frazer-Nash
Frazer-Nash to sponsor UK Chamber of Shipping Virtual Conference
NNL and Frazer-Nash Consultancy initiate new nuclear data blockchain project
How key industries can play a pivotal role in energy transition
Evening of celebration as IET Young Woman Engineer announced
Frazer-Nash marks International Women’s Day with WISE membership
Frazer-Nash’s David Wyse talks SS Richard Montgomery as guest lecturer on explosive ordnance engineering course
New ‘one stop shop’ app puts customer welfare first
Frazer-Nash commits to the Science Based Targets Initiative
Grain LNG asset life extension supported by Frazer-Nash team
New paper delves into the potential of distributed aviation
Coordinated action needed to tackle structural degradation during transition to net zero
ARPAS Chair role will see Frazer-Nash UAS expert promoting ‘drones for good’
Frazer-Nash answers House of Lords’ call for evidence into battery and fuel cell role in delivering net zero
Sale of Frazer-Nash Consultancy
Frazer-Nash runners to take on marathon task in support of Whizz-Kidz
‘Business hero’ role sees Frazer-Nash supporting social enterprise
Frazer-Nash sponsoring project management conference
Rotating machinery experts sharing their knowledge at autumn conferences
Frazer-Nash showcasing its support to industry and government at DSEI
Frazer-Nash showcasing MedTech expertise at SEHTA Expo and Conference
Frazer-Nash digital twin supporting Atmo’s innovative rail air quality demonstrator project
Frazer-Nash report for UK government shows feasibility of space solar power
Space Based Solar Power can help UK achieve Net Zero. (Press release)
Can weather balloons help us generate more low-carbon energy?
Frazer-Nash’s Anna Will wins a place in the final for the Young Women Engineer Awards 2021
Frazer-Nash Gravity Challenge solution wins ‘Challenge Champion’ prize
The sale of Frazer-Nash Consultancy to KBR is complete
Interpreting the 'rules of the road' at sea for autonomous vessels
Connected Places Catapult asks Frazer-Nash to examine safety of potential electric road systems
Generic architecture from Frazer-Nash supporting development of next generation of unmanned ground vehicles
Celebrating collaboration and innovation as C2I winners announced
Smart Factory Expo: join us and reap the benefits of Industry 4.0 *NL
South Australia Premier officially opens Frazer-Nash Adelaide headquarters
Mike Morua and Karl King presented with INCOSE Outstanding Service Awards
Frazer-Nash explores logistics of hydrogen appliance transition
Senior Research Associate with Lancaster University and Frazer-Nash *NL
Rolling stock expert, Trevor Morgan, joins Frazer-Nash rail team
Skills and Careers - sharing expertise with The Engineer magazine
Frazer-Nash wins ESAS 2018 Innovation in Safety Award
Exhibition and conference to showcase undersea defence technology expertise *NL
Clever collaborations sought for The Engineer’s 2018 C2I awards competition
IET awards open to pioneering innovators
Frazer-Nash explores challenges of domestic hydrogen for BEIS
Taking an innovative approach to overhead conductor management
Experts from Frazer-Nash in the press
Frazer-Nash hosting Defence Technology Club Symposium
Frazer-Nash and Baines Simmons awarded four-year STEP contract by MOD
Frazer-Nash secures contract to support the government’s nuclear research and development programme
Funding for maritime training increased *NL
Research opportunities: help shape the future of nuclear reactor design
Expertise from Frazer-Nash features in floating LiDAR guidance
Collaboration and connection the focus of South West nuclear conference
Helping defence and industry partners to deliver at DVD 2018
Frazer-Nash to sponsor and present at environmental and safety symposium *NL
Frazer-Nash recognised as Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Corporate Partner
Frazer-Nash helps support Royal Air Force charities
Frazer-Nash showcasing capabilities at Australian Land Forces 2018 event
New article explores how engineering models can support people decisions
Frazer-Nash analysis supports single European airspace initiative
Infrastructure engineering expert joins Frazer-Nash rail team
Frazer-Nash appointed to Morpheus programme
Frazer-Nash networking event and presentation film celebrate our aerospace heritage *NL
Frazer-Nash Consultancy makes further inroads into the transport and infrastructure markets
Protecting your Process Control Systems: Getting the most out of your systems
Demystifying flow induced vibration in the process industry
Frazer-Nash discusses digital twins at techUK conference
Frazer-Nash sponsors innovative beach cleaning robot project
Frazer-Nash supports the Bristol Digital Futures Institute
Frazer-Nash to sponsor the Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards
Frazer-Nash secures lead role on Dstl SERAPIS research framework
Frazer-Nash young engineers in the spotlight
Marc Lyell awarded honorary lecturer role at University of Adelaide
Frazer-Nash leading second phase of BEIS thermal hydraulics project
Frazer-Nash working with Whizz-Kidz to deliver ‘Wheels of Change’
Frazer-Nash’s Robert Battrum shortlisted for UK Energy Innovation Awards’ Young Innovator of the Year
Frazer-Nash's Karl King to run workshop for High Speed Rail College apprentices *NL
Mark Stevens discussing digital twin benefits at Royal Aeronautical Society conference
We are delighted to be part of the team selected by UK MOD as preferred bidder for the Type 31 General Purpose Frigate programme
Congratulations to Dr Anthony Kwong
Frazer-Nash showcasing stellar solutions to space challenges
Frazer-Nash’s Mike Morua to chair INCOSE EMEA workshop in Utrecht
Frazer-Nash’s Robert Battrum awarded EIC’s Young Innovator of the Year accolade
Frazer-Nash experts present on munitions health management at NATO HQ
Frazer-Nash supporting Electricity North West with research into new Value of Lost Load (VoLL) model
Hinkley Point C announces the launch of the Technical Support Alliance to provide engineering and technical services to the nuclear new build project
Rolling stock expert, Keith Hutchins, joins Frazer-Nash’s growing rail team
Frazer-Nash takes the Scottish Business Pledge
Celebrating collaboration and innovation as 2019’s C2I winners are announced
Frazer-Nash celebrating successful QEC flight trials
Rail Freight Group Director General thanks Frazer-Nash for well-received presentation at AGM
Frazer-Nash solution for respiratory health recognised at Gravity Challenge
Frazer-Nash and Galson Sciences to deliver cost modelling support for development of UK Geological Disposal Facility
Frazer-Nash to support Terrestrial Energy with nuclear graphite moderator construction
Frazer-Nash set to design a key component of the UK’s fusion reactor project
Frazer-Nash Consultancy and Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems set to deliver joint expertise
The Frazer-Nash Photo Competition 2019
Frazer-Nash supports Veterans Charity Ball
Frazer-Nash set to deliver lead-lithium flow loop concept study for UKAEA STEP Programme
Frazer-Nash supports Context Information Security as it achieves CREST accreditation for Civil Aviation Authority ASSURE scheme
English Institute of Sport signs agreement for Frazer-Nash Consultancy to become Technology Consultancy Supplier
Come and meet Frazer-Nash at the Cornwall Business Show
Frazer-Nash, Decision Lab and Survivability to investigate role of AI in warship damage control
Advances in underwater acoustics on the agenda at ICUA2020 conference
National Cyber Competition’s Regional Semi-Final hosts young tech enthusiasts from across the South West
Frazer-Nash joins Spark Dynamic Purchasing System to deliver innovative technology support
Meetings discuss potential aerospace industry benefits from Industry 4.0 technologies
Post lockdown uncertainty: modelling tools to help plan a safe return to full capacity
Keeping Australia's Kangaroo Island connected
Energy trade association, Renewable UK, welcomes Frazer-Nash as member
Frazer-Nash signs up to ‘Time to Change’ pledge on mental health
How do you take a subsea cable from concept to shovel-ready?
Extra support for carers, as Frazer-Nash joins My Family Care scheme
Frazer-Nash’s UK family celebrates Pride
Frazer-Nash co-authors Defence Support’s White Paper: a roadmap to achieving a Net Zero future
Finalist place in Singapore Ocean of Opportunities competition for Frazer-Nash team
Maritime and Coastguard Agency publishes Frazer-Nash and Solis Marine report on risks to and from shipping in Exclusive Economic Zone
Support from Frazer-Nash team for Global Engineering Futures Challenge
Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professorship roles for Frazer-Nash experts
Celebrating two diverse journeys to Fellowship
Frazer-Nash chosen to take on ADMIRALTY Marine Innovation Programme autonomous vessel navigation challenge
Frazer-Nash’s Nicole shortlisted for WeAreTechWomen TechWomen100 awards
Save the date: Engineering and Technology (E&T) Innovation Awards, 19 November 2020
Frazer-Nash and University of Hull take home RIA innovation prize for RSSB REPAIR project
Frazer-Nash exploring viability of space-based solar power to help deliver Net Zero
Rotating Machinery Centre: AMRC launches report on 'Untangling the requirements of a digital twin'
Congratulations to the winners and finalists of 2020's E&T Innovation Awards
Frazer-Nash set to host corrosion in offshore energy webinar
C2I 2020 Shortlist announced
The Frazer-Nash Christmas Quiz
National Infrastructure Commission report: 'Better Delivery: the challenge for freight'
Article in The Engineer, February 2019: Hydrogen in the home - looking at the logistics
Frazer-Nash assessing feasibility of Green Hydrogen Hub for Isle of Lewis
Third Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professorship for Frazer-Nash
Frazer-Nash – 20 stories of 2020
Frazer-Nash joins Sizewell C Consortium
Corrosion in Offshore Energy webinar
Time to Talk Day 2021
The Collaborate to Innovate Awards week concludes today, Friday 5 February!
C2I2020 – Collaborate to Innovate goes digital
Frazer-Nash helping East West Railway Company to transform their vision into reality
Tom talking about nuclear technology’s potential in the marine sector at Port of Tyne event
Challenges and opportunities facing defence in achieving the Net Zero Carbon 2050 mandate
Frazer-Nash article for IAM magazine explores effect of climate change on marine assets
Frazer-Nash signs up to TechUK and Defence Digital Code of Practice for Collaboration
Australia - supporting defence to enhance CBRN resilience
Jonathan to present on bridging the gap at Henley Forum 21st Annual Conference
Frazer-Nash team wins place in APM Challenge final
Sharing mental health awareness at Frazer-Nash
Fore! Charity Golf day sponsorship a ‘fairway’ to support Plymouth children’s charity
Frazer-Nash welcomes New Parents’ Champion to its wellbeing programme
Hydrogen potential to be discussed by Frazer-Nash at UK Ports Conference
Frazer-Nash joining celebrations for Armed Forces Day
Defence sustainability
Frazer-Nash engineer recognised by Women’s Engineering Society
New Chair role will see Luke helping to establish the UK as a centre for sustainable air vehicle development
Alexandra looking towards ‘Space 2040’ at conference
Frazer-Nash approved to medical device quality standard, ISO 13485
How can defence achieve its net zero ambitions?
Congratulations to Quoc Do: Professional Engineer of the Year Finalist, South Australia
Frazer-Nash's Pride week celebrates diversity
Greg sharing rotordynamics expertise at upcoming conferences
Team work makes the dream work – Frazer-Nash marathon runners presented with trophy
Rail tool from Frazer-Nash, University of Hull shortlisted for innovation award
Frazer-Nash supports the Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactor business, to help meet net zero
Frazer-Nash rolls out novel digital upskilling programme to its teams
Frazer-Nash finalist gears up for the Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards
Young Woman Engineer of the Year for 2021 announced
Space based solar power hitting the headlines
Frazer-Nash Consultancy to provide energy generation and distribution technical support to the UK’s £1bn Net Zero Innovation Portfolio
Frazer-Nash shortlisted for four energy innovation awards
Frazer-Nash’s 21 top stories of 2021
Ali discussing ‘space war’ on the airwaves
Frazer-Nash secures a Tier 1 supply position on UKAEA’s Manufacturing Support Services Framework
Space Based Solar Power: Net Zero discussions with Australia
Frazer-Nash expertise supporting Western Isles Council’s Net Zero Hub goal
Frazer-Nash’s second Fitness Challenge launches today
Discussions on the global energy transition on the agenda at Subsea Expo
Frazer-Nash bringing its technical expertise to support UKAEA Tritium Engineering Framework
Finalist place in Maritime UK awards for Frazer-Nash
Levelling Up: White Paper or White Elephant?
Framework appointment draws on Frazer-Nash’s transport expertise
Frazer-Nash wins place on National Highways transport framework
International Women’s Day celebrated at Frazer-Nash
Frazer-Nash wins Employer of the Year at 2022 Maritime UK Awards
Frazer-Nash at Fulmination 2022
Frazer-Nash supporting National Grid, as it receives funding to investigate nuclear net zero opportunities
Frazer-Nash helping prepare UK airports for zero-emission aircraft
Report from Frazer-Nash helping government understand potential hydrogen emissions
Successful Southend-on-Sea pier train launch celebrated by Frazer-Nash
Excitement building as EIC’s Energy Innovation Showcase and Awards approach
UKNEST Warship Net Zero Conference 2022
Frazer-Nash tritium expertise helping UKAEA move towards commercial fusion goal
Innovative Nuclear Hydrogen Cogeneration Feasibility Study
Frazer-Nash Consultancy selected to deliver services to the UK Government for Nuclear Generation Costs
Frazer-Nash gains CAA aviation cyber security accreditation through IASME
Frazer-Nash attends Pathfinder Awards evening in Cambridge
Turbomachinery expertise being shared at Turbo Expo 2022 by Frazer-Nash’s Greg Nelson
Digital twin from Frazer-Nash helps Atmo deliver understanding of rail station air quality
Frazer-Nash showcases webinar on Enabling safe and regulated autonomous systems
A new look for Frazer-Nash Consultancy
Highlighting the women of Frazer-Nash – International Women in Engineering Day 2022
Engineers Australia fellowship honour for Frazer-Nash’s Caroline Ellis
Frazer-Nash Consultancy works in partnership with the IMechE on this year’s UAS Challenge
Frazer-Nash Consultancy hosts its annual Pride week
Frazer-Nash Consultancy to lead Cyber Defence R&D for UK Ministry of Defence
Frazer-Nash experts to attend Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference at ASME PVP 2022
Frazer-Nash joins the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) as a Company Partner
Frazer-Nash helping shape future UK energy generation
Frazer-Nash reviews Network Rail's condition management of depot plant assets
Frazer-Nash’s Mark Wakelam receives Engineers Australia Fellowship
Frazer-Nash announces opening of new office in the heart of Glasgow
Frazer-Nash launches STEM Hub to encourage employee outreach uptake
Frazer-Nash space-based solar power study addresses energy vulnerability
Frazer-Nash provides preservation support to HMS Unicorn
Frazer-Nash’s Howard Lungley features in Greening Defence podcast series
Laurie Brooking chairs the ETN YEC
Frazer-Nash authors report into Major National Science and Technology Facilities in the UK
Ali Stickings completes role as Specialist Advisor for House of Commons Space Defence inquiry
Frazer-Nash opens an office on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Nicole Lee awarded Nuclear Institute Young Generation Network Excellence Prize
The Circular Economy Transition
Reflecting on a year of Frazer-Nash’s Next Generation Advisory Committee
Frazer-Nash continues to support the Office for Nuclear Regulation within the UK energy sphere
Frazer-Nash Consultancy celebrates growth milestone in the North-east
Frazer-Nash Consultancy provides recommendations for hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure to assist BEIS
Holley Reece-Barkell under the Women in Nuclear spotlight
Fellowship awarded to Frazer-Nash’s Head of Uncrewed Air Systems
Frazer-Nash shortlisted for Business of the Year award at Maritime UK Awards 2023
Frazer-Nash’s support for future opportunities in UK’s aviation sector
Frazer-Nash’s STEM Hub celebrates a successful first year
Frazer-Nash’s Sally Hall shortlisted for The Rising Star Award 2023
Frazer-Nash secures UKAEA contract as part of Fusion Industry Programme
Frazer-Nash submits net-zero objectives to Science Based Targets initiative
The Frazer-Nash Pride and Allies group championing diversity and inclusion
Tim Houghton and Chris Ward awarded Fellowship by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
Frazer-Nash’s Sally Hall wins the Rising Star Award 2023 at the National Graduate Recruitment Awards
Team Signal designs showcased in Boat International Magazine
Frazer-Nash launches railway possession optimisation tool
Graham Hawkes appointed Chair of IMechE Renewable Power Committee
Frazer-Nash celebrate new office opening on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Ruth Salomon awarded Fellowship of the Nuclear Institute
Frazer-Nash Consultancy’s Commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant
Frazer-Nash leads report into decarbonisation of aviation
Hydrogen cogeneration – will nuclear rise to the challenge?
Fellowship awarded to Group Leader at Frazer-Nash
Frazer-Nash announces appointment of new Managing Director
Sally Hall announced as Winner of Top 50 Women in Engineering 2023
Frazer-Nash celebrates opening of new office in Leatherhead
Frazer-Nash, Harmonic and VIMA join forces as the Frazer-Nash brand
Frazer-Nash awarded Phase 1 of Project CURBER, a joint venture between the RAF RCO and Industry
Frazer-Nash report supporting The Crown Estate to optimise energy production from future offshore wind farms.
Frazer-Nash Consultancy partners with Space Solar to fast-track the first Space-Based Solar Power system.
Frazer-Nash’s Professional Development Scheme Earns Accreditation from Institute of Chemical Engineers
Frazer-Nash Consultancy extends support to UK Government’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio
Frazer-Nash’s Strategic Modelling Group win Team of the Year at The Energy UK Young Energy Professional Awards 2023
Exploring the future of mass transit using Advanced Air Mobility
Helping build a net-zero future: Frazer-Nash emissions reduction targets approved by Science Based Targets initiative
Frazer-Nash opens office in the heart of Manchester
Frazer-Nash advance support for maritime sustainability
Frazer-Nash Consultancy extends reach across the UK
KBR, Frazer-Nash and V.Group combine expertise to strengthen UK naval capability
Expert Spotlight - Electoral Misinformation and Disinformation
Frazer-Nash and Dstl to lead global discussion on advancing autonomous cyber defence
Frazer-Nash Secures Position on UK Nuclear Research Framework
Frazer-Nash launches FNConnect SME network
Frazer-Nash Consultancy celebrates successful inaugural AMTecH Manufacturing Forum
KBR and Frazer-Nash Consultancy Expand Footprint in the heart of the UK
Frazer-Nash Report shows the feasibility of using AI for GB Power Generation Strategy
Frazer-Nash help to deliver the future of UK defence with support to High-Energy Laser Systems
Could quantum computing help end the roller coaster of future energy prices
Ensuring safety in complex defence systems
Read all about it – exploring novel concepts for cyber defence
New Nuclear Project Delivery – Barriers and Enablers
Tackling deceptive targets through autonomous systems
KBR and Frazer-Nash Consultancy call for government to say yes to ready-to-deploy nuclear technology to meet Seventh Carbon Budget
Integrating Connected and Autonomous Mobility into the UK transport system
Human behavioural science in defence and security
Frazer-Nash expertise helps to derisk the design of floating wind farms
Taking on the Deepfake challenge in security and policing
New research shows digital impact on the UK's Net Zero targets
Frazer-Nash Consultancy shortlisted for prestigious award at the British Data Awards 2025
How to solve a Command Team training challenge with AI
What we do
Advanced materials and battery technology: powering the future
Building the future: decarbonising concrete and cement
AtoZ blogs: Z is for… Generation Z and Net Zero
AtoZ blogs: Y is for… YOLO (you only live once...)
AtoZ blogs: X is for… solving for X – choosing the right material
AtoZ blogs: W is for… women in engineering
AtoZ blogs: V is for… variability
AtoZ blogs: S is for… second life – what next for lithium-ion batteries?
AtoZ blogs: Q is for... quinquennial
AtoZ blogs: U is for… updating and rewriting standards
AtoZ blogs: T is for… transport
AtoZ blogs: R is for... rotor dynamics
AtoZ blogs: P is for… professional development
AtoZ blogs: O is for… (Nicolaus) Otto
AtoZ blogs: N is for... non-compliance – and preventing it
AtoZ blogs: M is for... manufacturing – of the additive kind
AtoZ blogs: L is for… Lithium – a critical resource?
AtoZ blogs: J is for J-integral
AtoZ blogs: H is for… hot corrosion in gas turbines
AtoZ blogs: K is for… Kelvin
AtoZ blogs: I is for… industry practice: best versus good
AtoZ blogs: G is for… glass
AtoZ blogs: F is for… failure analysis: how did this break?
AtoZ blogs: E is for… evaluating properties, non-destructively
AtoZ blogs: D is for… deterioration
AtoZ blogs: C is for... concrete and cement
AtoZ blogs: B is for… benefit realisation
AtoZ blogs: A is for... Asset Integrity Management
Blogs: AtoZ blog challenge 2022
Complex project
Depot modelling
Site constraints
Deconstructing complex infrastructure
High risk routes
Exploring the technical feasibility of a green hydrogen hub
Investigating the logistical challenges of domestic hydrogen
A study exploring the challenges of using hydrogen for domestic appliances
Understanding intermittent tripping issues on a microgrid
Demonstrating the applicability of a novel wind turbine technology
Developing an aeroelastic digital twin to understand asset performance
Wake loss assessment and layout optimisation
Independent loads analysis tool development support
Optimising wind resource measurement campaigns
Operational performance assessment of a wind farm
Modelling for offshore wind turbine life extension
Complex wind resource assessment of an offshore wind farm
Feasibility assessment for novel access vessel technology
Modelling internal foundation corrosion
Control design and loads analysis support to wind turbine manufacturers
Wind farm electrical commissioning
Structural integrity
Graphite modelling of ageing nuclear power generation assets
Thermal hydraulic modelling
Hydrogen production cost modelling
Whizz-Kidz sponsorship links
Review of internal monopile corrosion
Corrosion protection design review for new build floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility
Independent technical advice and analysis for a tidal turbine
Independent assessment of novel wind turbine monopole cathodic protection (CP) configurations
Pressure gain combustion
Defence sustainability
Putting people at the heart of defence's decarbonisation drive
Failing to PREPARE is preparing to fail: the importance of resilience in defence sustainability
Defence sustainable procurement
Bringing about culture change for decarbonisation: challenges and suggestions
Animation: defence sustainability
Technological solutions for decarbonisation
Hello world: developing sustainable solutions with data and modelling
Blogs: How can defence achieve its net zero ambitions?
Where next for UK Defence in an era of climate crisis?
Enabling the MOD to access innovative research
National Grid Grain LNG Life Extension
Strategic advisory services
Supporting the nuclear industry... now and for the future
Frazer-Nash prototype software tool helping Cadent Gas safeguard vulnerable customers
Challenges and opportunities facing defence in achieving the Net Zero Carbon 2050 mandate
Back to the future. History, science and maths.
A puppy isn’t just for Christmas. Long-term value
Greeks bearing gifts. Giving context
Trusted friends. Assurance, authority and agency
Time and space. The relativity of structure, behaviour and value
Known Unknowns. Unlocking awareness, knowledge and action
Wisdom of the crowds. People matter
Digital Twins
Understanding electric motor driven propeller underwater noise
Investigation of ship propeller shaft vibration related failures
Direct air capture - silver bullet or red herring?
Carbon dioxide fire protection system evaluation
Domestic appliance fan noise reduction design
Design of an aerospace electrical propulsion shaft
Using software to enable meaningful ‘what-if’ calculations of both obstacle crossing and barrier design
Using software to improve decision making on asset investment and deployment
Design and implementation of a Portfolio Management Office (PMO)
Expert rotordynamics review of a gas compressor upgrade
Understanding turbine blade corrosion and fatigue interactions
Developing and appraising a toolbox of numerical models to quantify global blockage effects
Towards recommended practices for floating lidar systems
Exploring the potential for domestic hydrogen appliances
Global blockage effects in offshore wind farms: knowns, unknowns and opportunities
Digital reactor design: nuclear thermal hydraulics
Condition based maintenance of gas turbines
Reducing product development costs for a gas turbine manufacturer
Improving pump design
Network Rail - Integrated protection and control safety strategy
Resilience of critical national infrastructure
Information security for RFA tanker case study
Hotel blast threat analysis case study
High integrity engineering
Data Centre cooling
Array layout
Vehicle braking systems
Investigating lift drop
Informing depot design through modelling
Train Zero – Systems Integration
RNLI hull frame analysis case study
RNLI ergonomic seat case study
Software high speed pressure map case study
New corrosion resistant steels for landing gear applications
Rehabilitation powerwheel case study
Mitigating operational capability gaps
Improving flight deck safety case study
Submarine tailshaft integrity case study
Vehicle growth potential case study
Blast, assessment of risk case study
Workforce planning tool case study
Type 23 test rig case study
Power factor correction case study
Investigation of bearing failure case study
Pipeline reeling
Smart cities capability
ITER fusion reactor, explosive risk analysis case study
ITER fusion, structural design case study
SMART design case study
Pipework fitness for purpose assessment case study
Nuclear waste ventilation assessment case study
Tank sloshing case study
Rolls-Royce engine tooling case study
Hearing protection for British Army
Graphite Core Safety Case
Gas Dispersion
FPSO strength and fatigue assessments
Fouling case study
Flow induced vibration (FIV)
Flight simulation
Fitness for service assessment
Fitness for service
Fatigue life prediction
Environmental assurance MOD
Environmental assessments for railways
Electrical power quality survey
Electrical Distribution Architect Study
Dungeness A - 275kV Grid Connection Modifications
Design of high speed craft
Dementia innovative jug
Cycle sprint trainer
Crashworthiness analysis of EMU
Crane winches
Expert Witness: Commercial vehicle rollover
CFMS Design innovation
Business model development
Bruce platform gas turbine exhaust
Blast resistant design
Blast injury thoracic rig
Blast injury in the urban environment
Bird impact on wings
Bespoke wind tunnel
Bespoke computer systems
Ball grid arrays
ATEX compliance for offshore power generation
Asset integrity management (AIM)
Lifetime assessment of reactor vessels
Assessment of explosion on a train
Argon fire suppression system - safety case
New generation ambulance carry chair
Airfreight transportation solution
A potential flow model for wind turbine induction and wind farm blockage
Taking a wheelchair from dream to reality
Nuclear Net Zero Opportunities (NNZO)
LV Predict
Safeguarding tool
SCADENT – Superconducting Applications for Dense Energy Transmission
Yes, no, when, where – the tram-train conundrum
EV Charge Point Data Programme
Weld Modelling Capability
Levelling Up
Making up the leeway
Trustworthy AI
Floating wind project development
Wind turbine scaling
Foundation scaling
Floating wind project support
Foundation design
Discover our Research & Innovation Review
How Carbon Capture as a Service could help the UK achieve net zero targets
Society of Maritime Industries
Naval Design Partnering
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