Case study

Independent technical advice and analysis for a tidal turbine

Our detailed analysis and expertise allowed our client to protect its unique turbine structure against an aggressive corrosion environment.

We worked closely over three years with our client on the sacrificial cathodic protection (CP) system for its novel tidal turbine.

A combination of detailed analysis and expert advice helped it evolve the CP system as its structural design was refined, to provide protection in an aggressive environment with unique structural configurations.

By working in conjunction with our structural and hydrodynamics teams, who provided extensive support, we have ensured the CP system developed does not have unexpected side effects in terms of structural loading or turbine performance. (Due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement we cannot provide more specific details.)

Prediction of corrosion protection provided by sacrificial cathodic protection on a tidal turbine

Prediction of corrosion protection provided by sacrificial cathodic protection on a tidal turbine.
