Defence sustainability

We explore the strategic issues facing defence as it strives to achieve its complex mission: decarbonisation.

Defence sustainability

We've been exploring the issues around the complex challenges facing defence as it continues its journey towards sustainability and decarbonisation. Below, you can read insights from Frazer-Nash Consultancy's Howard Lungley and our expert contributors from across defence, government and academia, including Lord Deben, Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, Major General David Southall.

The challenge facing defence...

Climate change is a threat to individual and collective security. It’s why protection of the environment is a strategic imperative for defence. It will take innovation, experimentation, and new partnerships – but offers defence the opportunity to enhance both its resilience and its capabilities.

This short video gives an overview of the context and challenges of defence decarbonisation.

Where next for UK Defence in an era of climate crisis?

Climate change will affect the military in many ways, and the Ministry of Defence and the forces have to ensure that they can navigate climate-related uncertainty. Defence accounts for 50 per cent of central government’s emissions, so decarbonisation must be top of the agenda – how can UK defence ensure it achieves its mission?

In this thought-provoking article, which was also shared by the Whitehall & Industry Group, Lord Deben, Chair of the Climate Change Committee, Frazer-Nash Consultancy’s Howard Lungley, and Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, senior lecturer at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College, London ask ‘Where next for UK Defence in an era of climate crisis?’. 

Podcast – Mission critical: Why defence can’t afford to stand still in the race to net zero

In this panel discussion, featured as the guest podcast by Team Defence Information, Lord Deben, chairman of the UK’s Committee on Climate Change and former Secretary of State for the Environment, Major General David Southall, the Army’s Director of Basing and Infrastructure, and Howard Lungley, Principal Consultant and Sustainability Lead at Frazer-Nash Consultancy, join Megan Wright, Senior Editor at Longitude, to discuss the strategic implications of a low-carbon military.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify

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Blogs: How can defence achieve its net zero ambitions?

In each episode of this series we take a deeper dive into the six recommendations from our experts - Lord Deben, Howard Lungley, Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, and Major General David Southall, as featured in our recent article and podcast. 

Interested in finding out more about how our strategic advice can help defence achieve its decarbonisation mission?

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We provide a range of strategic support services to the defence industry, including technology strategy, business case development, organisational design and portfolio delivery.