Case study

Crane winches

We carried out a Failure, Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) on Winches to be fitted on a North Sea oil platform.

The challenge

ACE Winches are supplying two hydraulically powered, heavy capacity winches to a Danish oil and gas company as part of a repair scheme requiring various lifting arrangements at different stages of the programme.

Due to the inherent risks associated with the particular platform, additional design integrity assurance was required in the form of a Failure Mode Effects Analysis and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). The identified failure modes needed to be assessed in terms of severity and probability, what mitigation is in place, and also if any further risk reduction activities were required.


Our involvement

The purpose of this FMECA Study was to identify potential design weaknesses through a systematic analysis of the modes of failure, their causes and effects. The FMECA included analysis of failure mode criticality in terms of severity and probability, which enabled the failure modes to be ranked in terms of criticality (risk).

To accomplish the analysis, Frazer-Nash facilitated a series of review meetings at the client’s site where both Frazer-Nash’s knowledge of the FMECA process and ACE’s Technical knowledge of the system allowed us to extract and record relevant information. This form of review process allowed the analysis to be performed effectively and within very short project timescales.


Extra added value

The analysis we undertook highlighted the areas of significant risk and enabled the client to focus design effort, where needed, and to present mitigating evidence to prove that the risks are being appropriately managed.

As the FMECA was conducted at the design stage, potential problems were able to be resolved before manufacture, saving both time and money, as well as reducing operating risk.


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