Case study

Control design and loads analysis support to wind turbine manufacturers

Our support to major wind turbine manufacturers has seen our teams working on the development of novel features and technologies.


Since 2015 Frazer-Nash has provided control design and loads analysis support to a major wind turbine manufacturer. This support has seen considerable teams working on the development of novel features and technologies that have been deployed on new turbines.

Our work

Key features of our support have been an agile approach to control development and analysis, our ability to create tuning guidelines and address complex tuning issues, along with efficient delivery of load iterations. We have also supported concept optioneering, complex feature development, supervision design and commissioning.


Our continued support now means that we are trusted to deliver complex tasks with the requisite levels of analysis, whilst also feeding into strategic technology road mapping activities. Work has involved liaising with key technical staff from multiple departments and contributed to the development and certification of new platforms and new control technologies, which have helped improve performance and drive down operational loads and, ultimately, costs for new turbines.

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