Sam White

Providing economic, commercial and strategic thought leadership to offer valuable insights into today’s most pressing business and policy issues.

My biography

I have been providing economic consultancy services for more than 15 years. I have developed expertise in understanding the economic and social impact of projects, programmes and policy across a number of industries.

We are fortunate at Frazer-Nash to have a very wide client-base and this has equipped me with the ability to take insight from one sector and apply it to different challenges in different sectors. This breadth of experience and exposure to a range of issues enables me to provide fresh thinking and new solutions.

At Frazer-Nash I lead a team of economists, commercial strategists and data analysts to problem-solve complex challenges. We conduct original research and data analysis to create evidence-based insight that gives decision makers greater confidence in the choices they make. We apply complex mathematical and statistical modelling techniques coupled with behavioural economics and strategic thought leadership to understand the challenges our clients face.

I have supported central government departments to make multi-million pound investment decisions and influence policy direction. I have supported our private sector clients by helping them to optimise their operations, using resources more efficiently and saving them money. Recently this has included the following:.

  • economic advisory to the Ministry of Housing Communities, and Local Government (MHCLG) for investments in the housing sector
  • the development of a methodology for conducting cost-benefit analysis in the nuclear sector
  • developing HM Treasury Green Book compliant business cases for a business change programme in the aerospace sector; and an infrastructure investment in the defence sector
  • constructing a data-driven model of ship transits to infer the economic impact of oil spills on the UK coastline for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
  • the development of a novel approach to valuing electricity supply disruption for Electricity North West
  • cost assurance to assist the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s investment decision for novel energy generation methods
  • advising a network operator on novel pricing mechanisms for distributed energy generation.

My approach to problem solving is led by a desire to understand how the actions of our clients drive prosperity to their customers, and the economy as a whole. I approach each challenge with a thirst for finding a robust, often data-driven evidence-base that will give our clients the certainty they need to make the right decisions.

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