Dr Kate Coleman

I lead a team providing materials science and asset integrity engineering expertise to clients across a variety of sectors, including energy, defence and utilities.

My biography

I am the Materials Performance Group Leader at Frazer-Nash Consultancy. I hold a PhD in corrosion science from Cranfield University, having investigated the use of biomass as a fuel source in conventional power generation plants.

I am a Chartered Engineer with particular expertise in the UK power sector, having spent almost ten years working in the industry. My area of expertise is asset integrity management, helping organisations energise, focus and align their operations.

I have experience in the on-site inspection and assessment of pressure parts, including vessels, forgings, castings and pipework, experience of the application of the Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000 and the management of assets covered by these Regulations.

My recent technical work has included a programme designed to manage corrosion under insulation on a fleet of UK-based nuclear power stations and providing materials and corrosion advice to a project investigating repair/replace strategies for condensate storage tanks at a UK-based nuclear power station.

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