Chris Critchley

Understanding the benefits and risks of novel and emerging technologies for clients in the defence, transport and energy sectors.

My biography

I’ve spent over 15 years involved in technology research and development, supporting a broad range of clients to make good, timely technology related decisions. During that time I’ve worked across all stages of the systems engineering lifecycle to:

  • Assess the current state of the art and forecast the potential future capability of technology systems
  • Create structured assessments of technology maturity and development risks to prioritise limited resources in the most challenging areas
  • Develop roadmaps to align development and procurement plans with strategic objectives, consider alternative futures, identify options and clarify decision points
  • Apply systems engineering principles to create robust decision making frameworks.

I’ve been involved in some fascinating projects, from assessing the risks of adopting a commercial off the shelf technology for a warship environment, to leading a feasibility study to understand the benefits of carbon reducing technologies for an industrial cooling system.

In my current role, I lead a team of engineers who are passionate about the ability of technology to solve challenging problems, and excited about the potential of emerging and evolving solutions across the defence, transport and energy markets.

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