Adam Buckell

I lead a group delivering complex test, measurement and inspection campaigns in support of understanding and solving complex asset integrity related problems.

My biography

With over twenty years' experience working in Frazer-Nash, I lead the Assets Integrity team - delivering complex test measurement and inspection campaigns to a wide range of industries. I also provide a focal point across the business for delivery of complex site-based work.

Core to my role is specifying and safely delivering onsite testing campaigns to better understand asset performance, or why an asset has failed. This is in support of design, operation, performance improvement and life extension.

As part of my team’s capability we develop and utilise a wide range of measurement methodologies, including modal testing, noise and vibration, structural, thermal and flow performance measurements. We also develop bespoke condition and structural health monitoring systems to provide a longer term understanding of asset performance and life, and work with other organisations to deliver non-destructive examination. We keep our capability up to date with new and emerging technologies such as motion amplification and wearable inspection technology.

We work closely with colleagues within asset integrity and the wider business providing input to and validation of modelling assumptions and outputs.

Through my career I’ve been privileged to deliver trials on a wide range of equipment and in locations across the UK and internationally. Examples include: high speed boats; large marine platforms including Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary; luxury superyachts; submarines; rolling stock; Channel Tunnel and Network Rail infrastructure; London Underground; nuclear and conventional power stations; ports; naval bases; airports; all-terrain vehicles; and aircraft. 

I have a fantastic team safely delivering onsite every day, but I try to maintain a regular site-based presence to support a good understanding of our customer’s needs.

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