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Greg sharing rotordynamics expertise at upcoming conferences

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Frazer-Nash rotordynamics expert, Greg Nelson, will be sharing his expertise at two key conferences in August and September.

Frazer-Nash rotordynamics expert, Greg Nelson, will be sharing his expertise as part of the 33rd Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC) 2021, which is taking place from 17 to 19 August. Then, just a few weeks later, Greg’s experience in this area will see him invited to present again, at SPE Offshore Europe running from 7 to 10 September.

A key international meeting for design and manufacturing engineers in academia, government and industry, IDETC 2021 will highlight the emergent technologies that are impacting upon product design and development, manufacturing, and information systems.

SPE Offshore Europe is aimed at the oil and gas sector. This year’s conference is titled: ‘Fuelling the Energy Transition. Together’, and will explore new and innovative ways to move the upstream industry forward. Attendees will hear from industry thought-leaders as they discuss and debate the sector’s route to Net Zero.

At both events, Greg will be showcasing how modelling was able to help one of Frazer-Nash’s clients understand and manage the risks of its new rotordynamic design. Describing his presentation, Greg said:

“We were keen to work with our client to achieve improvements in efficiency and carbon reduction through re-wheeling a gas compressor. The company was aware of the potential for rotor dynamic risks, and wanted us to provide independent assurance to minimise them.

“Using Monte Carlo analysis and self-organising maps, we were able to identify some slightly increased risks associated with the new design that would not have been spotted using standard methods. But more importantly, these methods also allowed us to identify concrete actions that could be taken to minimise the risks during installation and commissioning.”

Discover how Frazer-Nash’s extensive experience has helped many organisations resolve their rotating machinery challenges – visit our Rotating Machinery Centre [link].

To find out more about the ASME IDETC, go to the event website; and visit the SPE Offshore Europe website at

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