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ARPAS Chair role will see Frazer-Nash UAS expert promoting ‘drones for good’

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Head of the UAS Centre of Excellence at Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Stuart Keenan, has been appointed to the role of Chair of the Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (ARPAS-UK).

Head of the UAS Centre of Excellence at Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Stuart Keenan, has been appointed to the role of Chair of the Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (ARPAS-UK).

ARPAS-UK is a non-profit association, formed in 2013, which represents the remotely-piloted aircraft systems industry in the UK, both with the CAA and other stakeholders, while promoting best practice, collaboration and information-sharing amongst its members.

Commenting on his appointment, Stuart said:

“I’m really excited to take on the strategic leadership role for the trade body for the unmanned aerial systems (UAS) industry in the UK, and am looking forward to continuing the great work of my predecessors in promoting the concept of ‘drones for good’ in society.

“Promoting an understanding of drone professionalism both inside and outside the industry, and showcasing to the public how drones can benefit society will be key goals over the coming year. As the voice of our industry, ARPAS-UK represents the views of our membership with stakeholders, including regulators and policymakers, and this will be ever more important as the industry and the association continue to grow.”

The new role complements Stuart’s work at Frazer-Nash, where he helps organisations to make the most of drones. With a background in aviation safety, developed during his 16-year career as an RAF engineer officer, Stuart is a CAA qualified SUAS pilot, and the SUAS Accountable Manager for the company, as well as being the UAS technical expert for safety and regulation. Under Stuart’s leadership, the Frazer-Nash drone business has grown from conception to a multi-million pound turnover in under five years, and he is now leading activity that allows Frazer-Nash’s expertise to benefit the exciting growth area of urban air mobility.

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