Diversity and inclusion

We are committed to fostering a working culture that brings out the very best in our people.

Our people are our business

Our people are at the very heart of what we do, they are the reason our clients work with us to solve some of their greatest challenges. At Frazer-Nash, we want all of our people to feel they belong, confident in the knowledge that we value and respect the commitment they have made by entrusting their careers and expertise to us.

We are committed to fostering a working culture that brings out the very best in our people, regardless of their circumstances, identity or background. We want our people to be themselves, feel empowered to achieve their personal and professional goals, and know that we respect the unique value they bring to the company. In support of this, we encourage thoughtful behaviours and work to foster a collaborative working environment.

We recognise the value that difference brings to our company. Diversity and a culture of inclusion are vital for us if we are to build a strong sustainable business that harnesses innovation and creativity, two fundamental elements of what makes Frazer-Nash.


Our commitment

We are all committed to, and accountable for, Diversity & Inclusion in Frazer-Nash and as a leadership team and a business we are taking steps to do things differently. 

We have started our journey and are developing our understanding about what is right for us.  We agreed an initial change programme with intentional actions, and this will continue to evolve as we progress on our journey.  We will operate with a continuous review process and may amend our route following D&I focused employee pulse surveys.  We will report to the Company on our progress.

We are all working to promote and support the activities that will strengthen us as an inclusive employer.  Not only are we fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination, we value the differences that a diverse workforce brings to the organisation, and want an environment where everyone can be the best they can be and are fairly rewarded and recognised for the work they do.


Our Diversity & Inclusion ambitions

We care about our people, we want to be an employer of choice, and a great place to work for everyone.  To do this we need a diverse and inclusive environment so we attract talented individuals, develop our people to be their best, improve collaboration and increase satisfaction so people want to stay, grow and excel here.

We want to both strengthen current relationships, and establish new ones.  To do this we need diverse and inclusive teams to help us win and deliver projects that really matter and deliver success to our customers and ourselves.  Working with clients, we can help tackle key issues facing society, whether they be safety and security, sustainability, environmental protection, or socio economic.  Having a diverse workforce will be essential to ensuring that we support such a broad range of needs. 

We want to continuously improve the efficiency and quality of our services and systems.  To do this we need diversity of thought and inclusive teams to broaden the scope of our ideas and thinking and improve the quality of the decisions we make.


Statutory requirements and frameworks

To deliver our Diversity and Inclusion Ambitions we need to recruit and retain key talent in line with the Equality Act 2010 (UK) and the Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia).

We will always work to avoid bias and we will continue to strive to build a culture that values meritocracy, openness, fairness and transparency.

We will comply with the relevant legislation within the countries we operate and will integrate diversity management with our established and approved management systems covering Quality, Health & Safety, Environmental and Information Security management, in accordance with internationally recognised standards, as applicable.



We have a Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC) responsible for setting the direction of D&I across Frazer-Nash. DISC has representation from across the business and a direct link to the Senior Leadership Team, demonstrating our commitment to this important area.  Progress against our D&I strategy is reported to the business on an annual basis.


Diversity & Inclusion within our key partners

We seek to work with partners, associates and suppliers who share our high standards in respect of Diversity and Inclusion.

Our associates are expected to comply with our Code of Conduct and expectations for our suppliers are outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct. As part of our supplier due diligence process we request that all new suppliers review and confirm compliance with this document. It includes a broad range of topics to ensure we partner with suppliers who are ethically and socially responsible and who share our goals around Diversity and Inclusion. Once under contract, by accepting our standard terms and conditions, our suppliers are contractually bound to maintain these high standards.

When working on behalf of our clients, we recognise we are often acting in a privileged position as a prime contractor.  We work closely with our clients and will consider their requirements, taking into account the challenges of the specific industry that they operate in.


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Employee Resource Groups

At Frazer-Nash we understand the importance of Diversity and Inclusion; we want all our colleagues to feel a sense of belonging and be able to thrive in an environment that is inclusive of all.  We have a number of Employee Resource Groups, which are an integral part of our D&I strategy and our commitment to these principles. 

Employee Resource Groups or ERG’s are internal networks commonly used in D&I strategies to foster belonging for the members and enabling the employee voice of groups that might otherwise feel marginalised. 

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